Charles Anderson, a talented young reporter, feels trapped working for his deceased father’s newspaper and living in a tiny town (Dayton, TN, 1925) in steep decline. Seeing the Scopes “Monkey Trial” as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break into the journalistic big leagues, Charles manages to insert himself into the middle of the “Trial of the Century.” Once there, however, he is torn between his love for the more principled Rose, and the allure of being able to “change the world” under the tutelage of his hero, the great H.L. Mencken of the Baltimore Sun. When the truth is at stake, Charles discovers, some lies just have to be told
Alleged - Procesul maimuţelor (2010)
Etichete: dragoste | drama | istoric
Alleged (2010) Film Online Subtitrat
Charles Anderson, a talented young reporter, feels trapped working for his deceased father’s newspaper and living in a tiny town (Dayton, TN, 1925) in steep decline. Seeing the Scopes “Monkey Trial” as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break into the journalistic big leagues, Charles manages to insert himself into the middle of the “Trial of the Century.” Once there, however, he is torn between his love for the more principled Rose, and the allure of being able to “change the world” under the tutelage of his hero, the great H.L. Mencken of the Baltimore Sun. When the truth is at stake, Charles discovers, some lies just have to be told
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Charles Anderson, a talented young reporter, feels trapped working for his deceased father’s newspaper and living in a tiny town (Dayton, TN, 1925) in steep decline. Seeing the Scopes “Monkey Trial” as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break into the journalistic big leagues, Charles manages to insert himself into the middle of the “Trial of the Century.” Once there, however, he is torn between his love for the more principled Rose, and the allure of being able to “change the world” under the tutelage of his hero, the great H.L. Mencken of the Baltimore Sun. When the truth is at stake, Charles discovers, some lies just have to be told